La Strada是由mr willis带来的手工披萨店,严选顶级天然的食材。La Strada美味的秘诀,来自48小时发酵的面团,搭配新鲜的食材,以及来自意大利的Di Fiore Forni烤箱带来的恰到好处的烘培及焦香酥脆的饼边. 而位于太古里的La Strada,不仅仅有美味的披萨,Josper烤炉呈现的Piri Piri烤鸡,香烤整条海鲷鱼,西班牙猪肋排,更有精湛厨艺烤制的高质量的熟成牛排
La Strada is an artisan pizzeria by mr willis, serving gourmet pizzas made with top-quality natural ingredients. The secret to La Strada’s delicious pizza lies in its 48-hour slow-fermented sourdough base topped with fresh gourmet ingredients and baked in the Italian Di Fiore Forni oven until gently charred in all the right places. Taikoo Li Sister restaurant to La Strada Anfu Lu.We’re much more than pizza: at La Strada Taikoo Li, our Josper Charcoal Grill boasts Piri Piri chicken, whole sea bream w. salsa verdi, Spanish pork ribs & the best dry aged beef, expertly grilled.
Anfu Lu
5404 0100
1f, 195 anfu rd (near wulumuqi lu)
Lunch | Dinner | Brunch
11:00 till 23:00

Taikoo Li Qian Tan
021 5883 6100
500 dongyu rd
东育路500弄前滩太古里 木区 W_L1_08
Lunch | Dinner | Brunch
11:00 till 22:00

  • 沪ICP备16055084号-1